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Re: cookies and privacy

Jacob Rose wrote:
> I don't know if privacy is important, but if you feel it is, that's how to
> keep it, I think.  If you're running someone else's software (eg,
> Netscape, Internet Explorer, Windows 95) on a computer on a network,
> you are trusting the software to do only what you want with your personal
> information.  You never know what it could be saying about you to *anyone*
> on planet Earth.

You raised an interesting point, when I use someone elses browser 
and their .netscape directory contains a matured cookie file 
which they do not want me to erase, and I register with some 
they visited, then THEIR profile is now merged with mine.  If 
unknown to me they visited sites which I would NEVER visit and 
gained a rather spicy profile, this could now allow marketers to 
develop a profile on me based on someone elses web clicing habits.

This thought is troubling because if we don't have control on 
preventing a profile developed on us, at the very LEAST we 
should want that profile to be ``sterling'' and not blemished 
with the habits of someone else.  What if they visited sites 
that contain outright illegal network activities?

I think what I will do for the time being if I am ever using 
someone elses Netscape is to temporarily rename their cookie.txt 
file, then rename it back to its original name after I'm through 
using Netscape.  I could even create a batch file or script 
(depending which platform) to accomplish this easily.


 | ._  _ ._ _.._ _    ``I do not fear computers
_|_| |(_|| (_|| | |     I fear lack of them.''  -Isaac Asimov
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